Saturday, January 25, 2020
Promoting human development
Promoting human development Promoting Human Development Summary Conceptual framework The goal of human development is to enable groups and individuals to exercise their choices to be what they want to be and do what they wants to do . It puts people at the center of the analysis and advocates for strategies that combine equity, efficiency, sustainability and empowerment. Social exclusion hampers choices and opportunities, thus reduce human development. Inclusion is therefore the goal to achieve, through economic, cultural, social and political processes and policies. Social inclusion and reducing social exclusion are therefore means of achieving human development by addressing the discrimination, powerlessness and accountability failures that lie at the root of exclusion. Social inclusion adds the process dimension of exclusion (the agents, groups, and institutions that exclude) to the human development concept. Working definitions Social exclusion refers to the processes which hamper people and groups opportunities to exercise the full range of their choices as well as to the outcome of marginalization ensued. It results from direct or indirect discrimination rules and behavior, processes, policy, regulations, and institutional practices can impose, advertently or inadvertently against one or some groups of population compared to the others as well as from social traditions and values among different social groups of population. Social exclusion is multi-dimensional and often involves economic, political, cultural, social and spatial exclusion. Multiple deprivations often reinforce each other. Social inclusion: The European Commission defines social inclusion as a process which ensures that those at risk of poverty and social exclusion gain the opportunities and resources necessary to participate fully in economic, social and cultural life and to enjoy a standard of living and well-being that is considered normal in the society in which they live. Human development refers to the process of enlarging peoples choices to be who they want to be and do what they want to do by expanding their capabilities and functioning. It refers to processes and outcomes of development about people, by people and for people. The case of the ECIS There are patterns of exclusion among individuals and groups in the ECIS region, based on their ascribed characteristics (gender, ethnicity, geographical location, language, religion, age, sexual orientation, beliefs and disability) or their achieved status ( income status, health status, employment, educational attainment, access and assets, etc) Exclusion is manifested through and results in exclusions from political, social, cultural and economic life in societies. Exclusion in one domain reinforces exclusion in others Exclusion in the region is the result of the dynamic interaction between legacies, policies and institutions Patterns of exclusion are hampering progress towards human development in the region, albeit or unevenly. The analysis and policy prescriptions for the regional report can be informed by the experiences of the EU common social inclusion objectives and the Open Method of Coordination mechanisms. The Regional Human Development Report for Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS for 2010 examines social exclusion in the region through the lens of human development. The report analyses the different facets and causes of social exclusion in Europe and the CIS region and provides recommendations for promoting social inclusion. This chapter sets the scene by looking at the conceptual linkages between human development and social inclusion, analyzes social exclusion as a process and state of being excluded from the life of a community, and explores the potential of a social inclusion-based analysis to better understand and address the social dynamics of poverty and inequality in the ECIS region. Part I: Human Development and Social Inclusion: An Analytical Framework The concept of social inclusion, which is at the heart of social policy-making in regional institutions like the European Union, is very much congruent with the human development approach that has been advocated through UNDP global, regional and national human development reports since the 1990s. The European Commission defines social inclusion as a process which ensures that those who are at the risk of poverty and social exclusion gain the opportunities and resources necessary to participate fully in economic, social and cultural life and to enjoy a standard of living and well-being that is considered normal in the society in which they live. Social exclusion thus conversely refers to both the processes which hamper individuals and groups opportunities to exercise the full range of their choices and to the outcome of such processes. As a result, this bears a strong co-relation with the absence of human development, which by itself requires processes of enlarging peoples choices to realize their own potential by a heightened capability. Together with the human rights framework, these approaches are all multi-dimensional and interlinked, and take into account all entitlements relevant for enlarging the choices of individuals to live a decent and meaningful life. In addition, they share a common concern about equity, non-discrimination and inclusive participation. As this Report will argue, there are a multiplicity of exclusion patterns among individuals and groups in the ECIS region, based on myriad ascribed characteristics-linguistic, geographic, gender-based, economic, religious, educational, etc- which all reinforce each other. The inescapable consequence of such a vicious interaction leads to the denial of human development. 1. Human Development: A People-Centered Approach The human development paradigm, founded in 1990 by Mahbub ul Haq, Amartya Sen, Frances Stewart, Paul Streeten and others and advocated through the UNDP Human Development Reports, sets itself apart from previous development theories by arguing that economic growth does not automatically trickle down to improve peoples well-being. Human development proceeds from the perspective of the individual, which, by virtue of his or her existence, has a moral right to develop his or her inherent capacities to the fullest extent possible and to exercise the greatest possible freedom of choice in shaping his or her own life within society. As has been already argued in a series of global, regional and national Human Development Reports, The human development concept thus advocates putting people back at centre stage, both as the means and ends of development and defines the end of development as the expansion of human choices, freedoms and capabilities. In the words of Mahbub Ul Haq, The basic purpose of development is to enlarge peoples choices. In principle, these choices can be infinite and can change over time. People often value achievements that do not show up at all, or not immediately, in income or growth figures: greater access to knowledge, better nutrition and health services, more secure livelihoods, security against crime and physical violence, satisfying leisure hours, political and cultural freedoms and sense of participation in community activities. The objective of development is to create an enabling environment for people to enjoy long, healthy and creative lives (Mahbub Ul Haq, 1990). As Amartya Sen argues, economic growth provides one with the necessary passport to other good things in life, but it is not an end in itself. Those other things constitute the quality of life which, in its turn, goes to expand peoples capabilities and provide them with larger freedom and choice to embrace a kind of life that they may have reason to value (Sen 1999) Human development thus emphasizes two simultaneous processes: One is the formation of human capabilities as an explicit development objective, the other is the use that people make of their acquired capabilities for functioning in society and fulfilling the choices they make in all aspects in their lives. It is therefore both a destination, a goal for social and political processes, as well as a road to get there, one that allows for agency for people themselves. While the human development concept avoids prescriptions and concentrates more on the ultimate goal of development, it suggests a simultaneous, not sequential achievement of five policy principles: Efficiency/productivity: the optimal use of human capital through investment in the education, health, aspirations and skills of people as well as efficient use of resources and pro-growth policies. Equity: distributive justice and the fair distribution of incomes and assets through equal access to opportunities Sustainability: concern for not only present generations but future ones as well Empowerment/participation: enabling people to attain a level of individual development that allows them to make choices close to their hearts. These choices can be developed through emphasising on developing freedom as both a constitutive value (value by itself) as well an instrumental value ( as a means to efficiency and to equity) (Sen) With its emphasis on choices and freedoms, the significance of access to education, health care and other social services, as well as guarantees of basic political rights and freedoms, including gender equality and freedom of movement, and the ability to participate in the activities of the community with self-respect and without shame are highlighted. Lack of education, poor healthcare, inadequate economic possibilities, violation of political freedom, and the neglect of citizens rights, could restrict peoples choices and freedoms. If the objective of development is to create an enabling environment for people to enjoy long, healthy and fruitful lives, social exclusion both as a process and as an outcome can categorically hamper choices and opportunities, thus reducing human development. The first imperative is therefore to identify the socially excluded groups, their characteristics, as well as the social, political, cultural and economic processes that may lead to the production and reproduction of exclusion. 2. Social Inlusion and Social Exclusion As defined in the Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union, social inclusion is a process which ensures that those at risk of poverty and social exclusion gain the opportunities and resources necessary to participate fully in economic, social and cultural life and to enjoy a standard of living and well-being that is considered normal in the society in which they live. It ensures that they have greater participation in decision making which affects their lives and access to their fundamental rights. The European Union defines people as living in poverty or social exclusion, when they are prevented from participating fully in economic, social and civil life and/or when their access to income and other resources (personal, family, social and cultural) is so inadequate as to exclude them from enjoying a standard of living and quality of life that is regarded as acceptable by the society in which they live (European Commission 2001). Among the different defitions of social exclusion, there is a broad agreement that it consists of exclusion from social, political and economic institutions resulting from a complex and dynamic set of processes and relationships that prevent individuals or groups from accessing resources, participating in society and asserting their rights. (Beall Piron, 2005). Within a discourse of citizenship, social rights and social justice, social exclusion is not understood as lack of access to goods but as lack of access to rights. Accordingly, the opposite of social exclusion is not inclusion but participation. Such view of the concept is very closely linked to the human development approach and highlights the agents that lead to social exclusion: discriminatory practices and institutional barriers that prevent the access to public services and political participation (Lister 2004). For Sen (2000), social exclusion almost reflects the Aristotelian perspective of an impoverished life where one does not have the freedom to undertake important activities that a person has reason to choose[2]. This Report posits therefore that social exclusion constitutes an infringement on the rights of individuals and groups. If unchecked, such infringement may lead to serious constraints on individual personal development, wellbeing, freedoms and choices. From the human development point of view, social exclusion is the process and outcome that hampers the wide range of human fulfilment. It refers to limited and inequitable opportunities and capabilities of individual and groups to fully take part in economic, social, political and cultural life. The social exclusion lens thus provides a new perspective on the human development approach by assigning a central role to relational connections and emphasizing on the process dimension of exclusion (the agents, groups, and institutions that exclude). For the purposes of this report, then, a definition of social exclusion that encorporates the human development approach is as followed: Social exclusion refers to the processes which hamper people and groups opportunities to exercise the full range of their choices as well as to the outcome of marginalization ensued. As Sen argues, people may be excluded from some opportunity because of a deliberate policy or practice prevalent in the society they live in, which he calls as instances of active exclusion. This may result in the constitutive part of their capability deprivation. And once they are burdened with this deprivation in one field, they are leading a handicapped life and this might be responsible for their deprivations in other fields in life. Sen calls the second category capability failures and assigns instrumental role to the factor of social exclusions for that. The potential remedy lies in changing certain specific policies that should target the groups or communities which are at a disadvantageous position because of such exclusionary practices. Yet, there are many capability deprivations that result from a complex web of deep institutional issues intertwined with systemic configurations on economic and socio-political fronts. In such cases, the deprivation comes about through social processes in which there are no deliberate attempt to exclude. Sen calls them cases of passive exclusion (Sen 2000). For example, cases of unemployment among a particular community of people, eg. migrants in their host country, on account of certain legal restrictions would constitute an instance of active exclusion, which is in this case a constitutive exclusion as well. The other capability deprivations among this community of migrants, which follow from their unemployment could be termed as their capability failures. This too can be explained as active exclusion. When unemployment is the result of complex web of multiple institutional and systemic factors, passive exclusion occurs, in that the people are after all excluded from the opportunity to be employed. The Human Development paradigm would be effective in understanding these cases because it looks at the perspective from an inter-systemic point of view and presents them more in a holistic perspective. 3. Convergence and Relationships Social exclusion and human development As discussed above, the human development approach stresses the significance of education, access to adequate social services (health, education, access to water and utilities, social protection, housing, etc), environmental sustainability, gender equality, human security and respect for individual rights. Social exclusion, which prevents access through institutional, community- and personal-level barriers to important social goods and services, whether as a result of deliberate discrimination or lack of capacity to deliver, whether as a result of active or passive exclusion, impedes peoples ability to live a full life. Social inclusion adds the process dimension of exclusion (the agents, groups, and institutions that exclude) to the human development concept. A social inclusion perspective can thus help sharpen the strategies for achieving human development by addressing the discrimination, exclusion, powerlessness and accountability failures that lie at the root of poverty and other development problems. Both concepts are complementary in policy terms: human development bears a stronger focus on what needs to be achieved; while social inclusion focuses on how it should be achieved. The Relationship between Social Exclusion and Human Development What can limit freedoms and choices is social exclusion, both as a process and as an outcome. However, there are limitations of freedoms in all societies that affect the mainstream population without creating exclusion. Exclusion hampers choices and opportunities, thus reduce human development. From the human development point of view, social exclusion is the process and outcome that hampers the wide range of human fulfilment. Inclusion is one of the goals to achieve, there might be others (e.g. environmental sustainability, conflicts etc) that do not directly depend on social exclusion. Both concepts are complementary in policy terms: human development bears a stronger focus on what needs to be achieved; while social inclusion focuses on how it should be achieved. Social inclusion adds the process dimension of exclusion (the agents, groups, and institutions that exclude) to the human development concept. Social inclusion is also focused on those that are excluded, thus emphasizing the equity principle. Human Development does look at broader societal improvements that affects also those that are not excluded (once again, environmental sustainability can be an example), although it is true that guaranteeing the inclusion of all can have broader positive repercussions on the rest of society. A social inclusion perspective can thus help sharpen the strategies for achieving human development by addressing the discrimination, exclusion, powerlessness and accountability failures that lie at the root of poverty and other development problems. Social Inclusion as the path to human development: What follows as the logical consequence that human development is the larger goal to achieve. Can the social inclusion approach be the best practice in this regard? Social inclusion policies, in principle, are ways to achieve human development: They are designed to correct negative outcomes of exclusion which can be ascribed to gender; age; ethnicity; location; economic, education, or health status or disability, etc., be these intentional (e.g., systematic discrimination) or unintentional (i.e., the failure to recognize the differential impact of policies on individuals or groups). The EU charter of Fundamental Rights defines social inclusion as a process which ensures that those at risk of poverty and social exclusion gain the opportunities and resources necessary to participate fully in economic, social and cultural life and to enjoy a standard of living and well-being that is considered normal in the society in which they live. It ensures that they have greater participation in decision making which affects their lives and access to their fundamental rights. The significant element of phraseology used in this definition is greater participation, which implies that the social inclusion approach is not just satisfied at present with tendering a so-called platform of equality to all. Rather, it is more concerned with a futureobjective of achieving equality for all. Thus, the social inclusion approach acknowledges the need to proffer to those excluded a greater say in the scheme of things than what they receive now, i.e. a greater participation in comparison with that of the non-excluded. In terms of legalese, this is known as positive discrimination in favour of the excluded with a view to bringing them at par with others, i.e. including them in the mainstream of life. Social Inclusion approach thus is more about redistribution of social opportunities among all sections of population so that everyone gets a plausible opportunity to flourish and thus, to contribute to the cause of enhancing efficiency of a society as a whole. A prosperous society provides more opportunities for personal fulfillment which is not to be viewed just in terms of economic freedom but also in terms of everything else that provides the necessary yardstick to evaluate the quality of life. Social exclusion and rights based approach A social exclusion perspective shares with a Rights-Based Approach (RBA) a common concern with equity, non-discrimination and the importance of participation that should be inclusive. In this respect, a social exclusion perspective is concerned with governance and citizenship rights, with the institutional dimension of exclusion and with the organizations, institutions and processes that exclude. The mainstreaming of human rights in development programming is a way of tackling certain forms of social exclusion and strengthening inclusion policies. Social exclusion, poverty and vulnerability Although the concept of poverty, social exclusion and vulnerability share certain common characteristics, they also have important distinguishing features. People who are not poor can be excluded, but many may also become poor due to exclusion from economic activity, and may thus become vulnerable. The analysis of exclusion and vulnerability may not necessarily be the same as that of poverty. The three phenomena, however, are inextricably related. Traditional thinking about income poverty focuses on individual subsistence level as against a standard conventional change. The concept of human poverty, instead represents a measurement of well being as not a static but a dynamic multi-dimensional experience, and is closer to the concept of social exclusion. People may experience poverty not just because they lack access to goods and services but also because there are systematic constraints that limit the mobilisation and the allocation of resources to the particular group. The EU, for example, which has set social inclusion at the heart of policymaking, conceives of exclusion as distinct from income poverty. Poverty is a distributional outcome, whereas exclusion is a relational process of declining participation, solidarity and access. Indeed for some, exclusion is a broader term encompassing poverty; for others, it is a cause or a consequence of poverty. But it is likely that causation runs in both directions. Highlights on vulnerability are essentially to reduce/manage the risk of the loss of livelihoods and the threat to security which more often than not is influenced by ones poverty status. Vulnerability is often obviously worsened by poverty which, therefore, points to an important interface between poverty alleviation and social risk management. Social exclusion as compared to poverty and vulnerability is intended to focus more attention on structural bottlenecks to equity and social justice. To overcome social exclusion, therefore, it is obvious that there has to be a deliberate effort to reform customary and legal codes of conduct to create opportunities for excluded groups to become empowered. This particular objective has been taken into account in current thinking on poverty reduction and social risks management. An advantage of the concept of social exclusion/inclusion over an approach based on poverty and other material deprivation is its focus on processes, i.e. the dynamics of the interaction between an individual and his or her social, legal, political, cultural and economic environment. Asking whether a person is able to participate equally in mainstream society, leads to identifying barriers to participation. These barriers can be institutional (discrimination, lack of infrastructure or absence of services, or in the case of people with disabilities, can also be the physical accessibility of buildings or schools), in the community (prejudice, marginalization), or personal (lack of education, withdrawal, rejection, or fears). Different population groups may experience different and overlapping vulnerabilities or face different barriers, which require different strategies to overcome them. Convergence of concepts towards a social inclusion approach Human development, the Human Rights Based Approach and Social Inclusion proceed from a moral or philosophical belief in the intrinsic value of human life and a commitment to the dignity and equality of each human being. Another value added of both the social inclusion and human development approaches is that they look at groups/communities dynamics and interaction within society, beyond the rights-holders vs. duty bearers approach Each of these conceptual frameworks places human well-being within a social and political context, and posits aspects of the interaction of the individual with society that cannot be represented by a money-metric proxy. Each also expresses explicitly or implicitly the vested interest of society in the provision of supportive social policies by a state actor in realization of the social contract. A social inclusion approach implies addressing need or alienation wherever it exists. Social inclusion reaches beyond the enforcement of rights in legal terms by tackling material deprivation, stigmatization and social separation; hence the approach seeks to understand this complex social phenomenon in terms of causes as well as outcomes. It also has an operational bias, devising workable policy responses, effectively recognizing that the state has a duty to care, include and involve all members of society in political, economic, cultural and social processes. 3) Causes and Drivers of Social Exclusion People may be excluded by several reasons, some owing to their individual characteristics (old, sick, disabled, poor, immigrants, vulnerable women and children); others from their societal/cultural characteristics (such as religion, race, caste/ethnicity, language). These can often interact and influence each other, thus creating a spiral of multiple deprivations. Exclusion can also be triggered by circumstances of birth. Being born into poverty or to parents with low employable skills, for example, places one at a serious disadvantage in relation to future life course survival chances. Finally, social exclusion can also be an outcome of shocks, such as conflicts and abrupt socio-economic transitions. The process dimension of social exclusion is also multi-dimensional and often involves economic, political, cultural and social exclusion. These dimensions are interrelated and reinforce each other. For example, the most excluded groups often have the worse access to education, poorer land, worse sanitation and health services, which contributes to lower productivity and incomes on the one hand, as well as limitation on engagement in political processes that could improve their position. For this Report, we have chosen to focus on mutually related dimensions: Exclusion from economic life results in and from inequalities in ownership of assets, incomes and employment opportunities. Exclusion from social services results in and from inequalities in access to a range of services education, health, housing, social protection, etc and in human outcomes (including education, health, and nutrition). Exclusion from political participation results in and from unequal access to political opportunities, justice, freedoms, institutions and power at many levels (from national to community level). Cultural status exclusion results in and from differences in recognition and (de facto) hierarchical status of different groups cultural norms, customs and practices. Thus, the causes or drivers of exclusion include not only the ascribed characteristics of individuals and groups, but the way that institutions and processes contribute to marginalization. For the purposes of this report, we can cluster the potential causes and drivers, many of which prevail in the ECIS region, in three broad categories: discrimination, institutional inadequacies and horizontal inequalities: NOTE TO ALL: I WILL ADD CONCRETE EXAMPLES FROM THE REGION LATER FROM THE CHAPTERS 1) Discrimination: ÃË Discriminatory practices, especially as a result of bias Social exclusion mostly results from direct or indirect discrimination that rules and behavior, processes, policy, regulations, and institutional practices can impose, advertently or inadvertently against one or some groups of population compared to the others. These can be based on but not limited to gender, ethnicity, religion, race, geographical location, age, income status, health, educational attainment, and disability. Prejudice and discrimination resulting from social and political biases may also cause social exclusion. For example, discrimination on the basis of ethnicity and gender may result in exclusion on the labour market, etc. In extreme cases, outright hostility and violence against certain groups may lead to social exclusion ÃË Discriminatory social values and cultural practices Social exclusion can also persist in the cultural and traditional set-up and result from social traditions and values among different social groups of population. EXAMPLE FROM TATJANA CHAPTER 2) Institutional inadequacies : ÃË Policies and institutional barriers Public institutions or organizations can aggravate social exclusion through lack of understanding of the dynamics of exclusion, or through sheer oversight. Decision making may not be effective in protecting excluded groups largely due to the lack of commitment and inadequate resources. ÃË Inadequate or weak institutional support mechanisms The weakness of institutions is exhibited in their inadequacies, poor functioning, poor quality, non responsiveness and the inability to create opportunities for those who are likely to fall prey to social exclusion. Sometimes institutions are purposely designed to favour those who are already included in the mainstream (e.g. language requirements to access education, job opportunities or other services). Private institutions and civil society organisations such as non-government institutions and community based organizations, as well as some private financial institutions and other service providers also contribute to social exclusion by failing to develop programmes to support the interests of excluded groups or by deliberately excluding some from social services. ÃË Discriminatory laws or inadequate enforcement Poor legislation may deepen the exclusion of some social groups.. In some circumstances, adequate legislation may be in place to protect the interests of the underprivileged, but poorly enforced legal regimes can make such legislation meaningless. 3) Horizontal inequalities: ÃË Inequalities between groups Inequalities that exist de facto or de jure among groups can increase exclusion. These can include, for example, inequalities in terms of
Friday, January 17, 2020
Moringa Oleifera Research
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Chicken and Poultry Raising in the Philippines Among the poultry species utilized for food production in the whole world, the chicken ranks as the most exploited fowl species. In fact, in the Philippines, chicken is first in economic importance as source of meats and eggs making chicken broiler and egg production as the most progressive animal enterprise in the country. Owing to this fact, this industry has been considerable attention in scientific researches and experimentation.Feeding practices is a vital factor in chicken growth and development, and as such, feeding is the primary activity in this industry. As chicken ages, their nutritional need changes thus feeding begins at Day 2 post hatching and continues in different amounts and kind of chicken feeds until the chickens are ready for harvest and/or egg laying at Day 45. Chicken feeds include different kinds such as chick crumbs, grower pellets, layer pellets and breeder pellets. Of different composition, these chicken feeds are manufactured according to the needs of a rapidly growing chicken.With ample amounts of chicken feeds and water, proper nutrition for broiler chickens is ensured. Feed supplements are also employed to augment nutrition and offer treatment to a flock of chickens. These supplements include grains, fruits and vegetables, grit, oyster shells, and even garlic. In fact, a number of foreign poultry farms utilize garlic to boost a flockââ¬â¢s immune system by putting one or two garlic cloves, unpeeled, uncrushed into the water and leaving it there until they start to sprout. Feed manufacturers and farmers alike always try to enhance their flockââ¬â¢s health by utilizing proper feeds and supplements.Jackfruit, Malunggay and Mongo Beans Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of nutrition and are natural energy boosters. These are loaded with nutrients, vitamins, minerals and amino acids for a balanced body growth and nutrition. Since time immemorial, these have been a ready health resource for humankind as both food stock and feed for their livestock. Jackfruit (Artocarpusheterophyllus or A. heteropylla) is a species of tree in the mulberry family (Moraceae), which is native to parts of Southern and Southeast Asia.It is believed indigenous to the rain forests of the Western Ghats of India. It is well suited to humid tropical lowlands and near tropical climates. Its fruit is the largest tree-borne fruit in the world, reaching 80 pounds (36 kg) in weight and up to 36 inches (90 cm) long and 20 inches (50 cm) in diameter. The pulp of the ripe jackfruit may be eaten fresh or incorporated into fruit salad. The seeds, which appeal to all tastes, are eaten when boiled or roasted. The flesh of the jackfruit is starchy, fibrous and is a source of dietary fiber.The flavor is similar to a tart banana. Varieties of jackfruit are distinguished according to the characteristics of the fruitsââ¬â¢ flesh. In Brazil, three va rieties are recognized. These are: jaca-dura, or ââ¬Å"hardâ⬠variety, which has firm flesh and the largest fruits that can weigh between 15 to 40 kilograms each; jaca-mole, or ââ¬Å"softâ⬠variety, which bears smaller fruits, with softer and sweeter flesh; and jaca-manteiga, or ââ¬Å"butterâ⬠variety, which bears sweet fruits, whose flesh has a consistency intermediate between the ââ¬Å"hardâ⬠and ââ¬Å"softâ⬠varieties.Moringa(Moringa oelifera), the English name, which is called Malunggay in the Philippines and Sajina in Indian Subcontinent and South East Asia is a wonderful herb known all over the world. It is best known as an excellent source of nutrition and a natural energy booster. Malunggay leaves was once considered a ââ¬Å"poor man's vegetablesâ⬠but now it is known as a ââ¬Å"miracle treeâ⬠or ââ¬Å"nature's medicine cabinetâ⬠by scientists and health care workers from around the world because it is loaded with vitamins and minerals that can be an effective remedy against many kinds of ailments.Other health benefits identified by people who use Moringa continue this same pattern: immune system strengthened, skin condition restored, blood pressure controlled, headaches and migraines handled, diabetes sugar level managed, inflammations and arthritis pains reduced, tumors restricted and ulcers healed. As loaded with nutrients, each ounce of Moringa contains seven times the Vitamin C found in oranges, four times the Vitamin A of carrots, three times the iron of spinach, four times as much calcium as milk and three times the potassium of bananas.Mung beans are commonly used in Chinese cuisine, where they are called ludou (literally ââ¬Å"green beanâ⬠), as well as in Burma (where it is called penauk or peti), Thailand, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, and Southeast Asia. In Vietnam, they are called d? uxanh (again, literally ââ¬Å"green beanâ⬠). In Indonesia, they are calle d kacanghijau or katjangidju, and are generally eaten either whole (with or without skins) or as bean sprouts, or used to make the dessert ââ¬Å"green bean soupâ⬠.The starch of mung beans is also extracted from them to make jellies and ââ¬Å"transparentâ⬠or ââ¬Å"cellophaneâ⬠noodles. Mung beans are light yellow in color when their skins are removed. They can be made into mung bean paste by dehulling, cooking, and pulverizing the beans to a dry paste. In Hong Kong, dehulled mung beans and mung bean paste are made into ice cream or frozen ice pops. Mung bean paste is used as a common filling for Chinese moon cakes in East China and Taiwan. Also in China, the boiled and shelled beans are used as filling in glutinous rice dumplings eaten during the dragon boat festival.Aside from culinary purposes and providing health benefit to the people, these plants can also be utilized for other essential purposes, i. e. as feed supplements for poultry raising, especially in the present that clamour for organic farm-raised livestock and foodstock is rising. Consequently, the researchers believe that the jackfruit seed flour mixed with dried malunggay leaves and monggo beans will provide additional nutritional effects to commercial feeds if used as a feed supplement.This study is focused on determining the effect of the jackfruit seed flour mixed with dried malunggay leaves and monggo beans as feed supplement to commercial chick feeds. The researchers aim to provide additional effective and cost efficient alternatives and supplements to chick feeds to help a very important economic industry in our country. Statement of the Problem This research study aims to determine the effect of the jackfruit seeds flour mixed with dried malunggay leaves and monggo beans as supplement to commercial chick feeds.Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions: 1. Is the jackfruit seed flour mixed with dried malunggay leaves and monggo beans an effective su pplement to commercial chick feeds? 2. What benefits do chicks get from the jackfruit seed flour mixed with dried malunggay leaves and monggo beans as a feed supplement to commercial chick feeds? 3. Is there significant difference between the commercial feeds and the commercial feeds supplemented with jackfruit seed flour mixed with dried malunggay leaves and monggo beans?Significance of the Study The outcome of this study will be significant to the following group of persons: General Public. This study will provide the public added assurance of the good quality of feeds and feed supplements that poultry product in the market consumes. Community Leaders. This study will allow the community leaders to start programs that will spread the effectiveness of jackfruit seed flour mixed with dried malunggay leaves and monggo beans as effective chicken feed supplements for the awareness of the public.Students, Instructors, and Researchers. This study will benefit them the knowledge, skills a nd information necessary for dissemination of the jackfruit seed flour mixed with dried malunggay leaves and monggo beans as chicken feed supplements and the associated facts about the intertwined discipline of science and agriculture. Scope and Delimitation of the Study The research study was conducted from June 2010 to March 2011 in the Nabua National High School under the supervision of Ms. Neraldin Adela M. Deris, the research teacher.The research study was focused on testing the effect on broiler chicks fed with commercial chick feeds supplemented with flour mixture made from jackfruit seed, dried malunggay leaves and monggo beans compared with chicks fed with commercial chick feeds only. It was delimited on determining the effect of jackfruit seeds mixed with dried malunggay leaves and monggo beans as a supplement to commercial chick feeds. Definition of Terms In the context of the study, the following terms were operationally and conceptually defined to give substantial meani ng and for easy understanding. Effect refers to something produced by an action or cause.It is that which it is produced, usually more or less immediately and directly. Commercial chicken feeds are manufactured dry mash for poultry. Control group refers to the group of chicks used as test subject that were fed with commercial chicken feed only. Experimental group refers to the group of chicks used as test subject that were fed with the commercial chicken feeds supplemented with jackfruit flour mixed with malunggay and monggo beans. Chapter II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter will introduce the review of related literature, and conceptual frameworks of the study.The review of related literature will provide clear understanding regarding the variables being studied from other published information; the review of related studies will enumerate the similarities of variables of the present study from other studies; the conceptual framework will present the correlatio n of variables and its diagrammatic representation of the variables of the thesis. These elements that were enumerated above will serve as the building block and will give great help to support and understand more the background of this study.Early men and early researchers both foreign and local were able to recognize the therapeutic actions and properties of certain plants and started gathering, collecting and afterwards reproducing those plants in mass for future intentions. Some plants have recently attracted the attention of modern science because of their potential medicinal effect and benefits to human beings. At present, there are now large quantities of works, articles, books and readings published and compiled in bookstores, libraries and nowadays can be easily found and are widely spread on the internet.These articles contained information and descriptions of the use of lots of identified and acknowledged useful plants in our ecosystem. Jackfuit, malunggay and monggo bean s belong to these known useful plants since it has many identified nutrients and effective therapeutic actions to human beings. Jackfruit (Artocarpus Heterophyllus) It is commonly used as a cuisine in Southeast Asian and South Asian countries. In South India, the jackfruit is a popular food ranking after mango and banana. They are large trees often reaching 60 feet (20 m) in nature. It is a native to south western of India, Philippines, Sri Lanka and east of Malaysia.It is believed that jackfruitââ¬â¢s origin to the rainforests of the Western Ghat of India. It was introduced to into northern Brazil in the mid of 19th and became very popular there. The jackfruit tree is believed to be indigenous to the south western rain forests of India. It is widely cultivated in the tropical regions of Indian subcontinent, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brazil for its fruit, seeds and wood. The tree grows best under tropical humid and rainy regions but rarely survives cold and frosty conditi ons, grows to as high as 30 meters, higher than the mango tree.During the season, each tree bears as many as 250 large fruits, supposed to be theà largest tree-borne fruit in the world. The fruit varies widely in size, weigh from 3 to 30 kg and has oblong or round shape measuring 10 cm to 60 cm in length, 25 to 75 cm in diameter. The unripe fruits are green in color; when ripen, might turn to light brown color and gives pungent smell. Likeà durian fruit, its outer surface is covered with blunt thorn like projections which become soft in ripened fruit. The interior consists of orange-yellow colored edible bulbs.Each bulb consists of sweet flavored sheaths that enclose a smooth, oval, light-brown color seed. Jack fruit seed is 2 to 4 cm long and 1 to 3 cm thick and is white and crisp within. There may be as many as 100 to 500 edible bulbs embedded in a single fruit interspersed between thin bands of fibers. Almost all the parts of the tree gives white sticky latex like juice when injured. The fruit is made of soft, easily digestible flesh (bulbs) with simple sugars like fructose and sucrose that wheneaten replenishes energy and revitalizes the body instantly.Jack-fruit is rich in dietary fiber, which makes it a good bulk laxative. Mung Bean Also known as green bean, choroko (in Swahili), mung, mongo, moong, moog (whole) or moog dal (split) (in Bengali, Marathi), mash bean, munggo or monggo, green gram, golden gram, and green soy, is the seed of Vigna radiate which is native toà Bangladesh,à India, à and Pakistan. The split bean is known asà pesara(Telugu), which is green with the husk, and yellow when dehusked. The beans are small, ovoid in shape, and green in color. The English word ââ¬Å"mungâ⬠derives from the Hindi:à mung.The mung bean is one of many species recently moved from theà genusà Phaseolusà toà Vigna, and is still often seen cited as Phaseolusaureus or Phaseolusradiates. Moringa Oleifera Commonly referred to as ââ¬Å"Sh ojneâ⬠inà Bengali, ââ¬Å"Munagakayaâ⬠inà Telugu, ââ¬Å"Shevagaâ⬠inà Marathià & ââ¬Å"Nuggekaiâ⬠in Kannada, ââ¬Å"Moringaâ⬠(fromà Tamil:à Murungai,à Malayalam:à Mashingasanga,à Konkani:à Muringa), is the most widely cultivated species of the genusà Moringa, which is the only genus in the family Moringaceae. It is an exceptionally nutritious vegetable tree withà a variety of potential uses.The tree itself is rather slender, with drooping branchesà that grow to approximately 10 m in height. In cultivation, it is often cut back annually to 1 meter or less and allowed to regrow so that pods and leaves remain within arm's reach. Theà immatureà green pods called ââ¬Å"drumstickâ⬠are probably the most valued and widely used part of the tree. They are commonly consumed in India and are generally prepared in a similar fashion toà green beansà and have a slightà asparagusà taste. The seeds are sometimes removed from more mature pods and eaten likeà peasà or roasted likeà nuts.The leaves are highlyà nutritious, being a significant source ofà beta-carotene,à Vitamin C,à protein,à iron, andà potassium. [5]à The leaves are cooked and used likeà spinach. In addition to being used fresh as a substitute for spinach, its leaves are commonly dried and crushed into aà powder, and used in soups and sauces. Murungakai, as it is locally known in Tamil Naduà andà Kerala, is used inà Siddha medicine. The tree is a goodsource for calcium orus. In Siddha medicines, these drumstick seeds are used as a sexualà virilityà drug for treatingerectile dysfunction in men and also in women for prolonging sexual activity.Moringa leaves and pods are helpful in increasing breast milk in the breastfeeding months. One tablespoon of leaf powder provides 14% of the protein, 40% of the calcium, 23% of the iron and most of the vitamin A needs of a child aged one to three. Six tablespoons of leaf powder will provide nearly all of the woman's daily iron and calcium needs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The Moringa seeds yield 38ââ¬â40%à edible oilà (calledà ben oilà from the high concentration of behenic acid contained in the oil). Theà refined oilà is clear, odorless, and resistsà rancidityà at least as well as any other botanical oil.The seed cake remaining after oil extraction may be used as aà fertilizerà or as a flocculent to purify water. The bark,à sap, roots, leaves, seeds, oil, and flowers are used inà traditional medicineà in several countries. In Jamaica, the sap is used for a blueà dye. Chicken Feeds Feed comes in three forms:à crumbles, pellets, andà mash. Research has shown that chickens grow and lay better on crumbles (commonly used for finisher rations and some adult feeds). Pellets (usually used for adult birds) are the second-best, whereas mash is the least-preferred although the most common for starter rations. Starte r rations for chicksThe ration forà layer-breed chicks, usually called ââ¬Å"starter rations,â⬠should be 20 percent protein. From the time they start eating, meat chicks need a high protein feed of about 22 to 24 percent protein for the first six weeks. Itââ¬â¢s called ââ¬Å"meat bird starterâ⬠or ââ¬Å"broiler starter. â⬠Cornish X Rock crosses (Broiler chickens) grow extremely quickly and require precise diets. After the first six weeks, the protein percentage for these birds can be lowered to 18 to 20 percent until theyââ¬â¢re butchered. ââ¬Å"Meat birdâ⬠or ââ¬Å"broiler grower-finisherâ⬠is generally a label aimed at meat birds in their last weeks.Grower and finisher rations shouldnââ¬â¢t contain antibiotics because these can be carried into the meat. Synthesis of the State-of-the-art The current study ââ¬Å"The Effect of jackfruit seed flour mixed with dried malunggay leaves and mongo beans as chicken feed supplementâ⬠has simila rities in some aspects to the previous studies carried out by other health and agricultural researchers. For example, the seed of the jackfruit as alternative flour, the process or method of preparation used and the objective of the researcher why it was the chosen topic to be studied. The present study was similar to the previous research by T.Papazyan and P. Surai who studied the effects of Selenium feed supplementation on chick growth and development. The study mentioned evaluated the effects of Selenium supplementation on growing chicks. The difference of the present study to the previously mentioned study is that the present study will emphasize on jackfruit, malunggay and monggo bean flour mix as feed supplement on commercial feeds and its effects be studied upon based on the chickââ¬â¢s weight changes. Conceptual Framework Assumptions of the Study The study will be conducted in the following assumptions that: 1.The jackfruit seed flour mixed with dried malunggay leaves and monggo beans is effective as a commercial chicken feed supplement. 2. The jackfruit seed flour mixed with dried malunggay leaves and monggo beans would help the chicken and poultry raisers consider a healthier and organic feed supplement to commercially manufactured ones. Null Hypothesis (H0) There is no significant difference in weight of chicks fed with commercial chick feeds supplemented with flour mixture of jackfruit seed, dried malunggay leaves and monggo beans and the weight of chicks fed with commercial feeds only.Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) There is significant difference in weight of chicks fed with commercial chick feeds supplemented with flour mixture of jackfruit seed, dried malunggay leaves and monggo beans and the weight of chicks fed with commercial feeds only. Chapter III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Method The study made use of the experimental method to assess the effectiveness of jackfruit seed flour mixed with dried malunggay leaves and monggo beans. The exper imental method comprised the systematic procedure that was used in the course of the present study.Preparation of the Jackfruit, Malunggay and Mongo Beans Flour Mixture Preparation of the individual ingredient of the flour mixture is first done separately. The jackfruit seeds were first boiled to easily remove the seed coat. After removing the seed coat, the seeds were ground into a pulp, sieved, and oven baked until it was ready to be grounded into flour like consistency. The malunggay leaves on the other hand were sun-dried first until it was ready to be finely grounded and sieved. The monggo beans underwent the same procedure as the jackfruit seeds. When all the three components were ready they were evenly mixed.Preparation of Flour The Experimental Set-up Two groups of two day old broiler chicks of almost equal weight made up of 15 chicks each were used. The control group were fed with commercial chick feeds, specifically chick starter feeds, without the flour mixture supplement . The experimental group were fed with chick starter feeds with the flour mixture supplement. Each group were fed ad libitum (ie, spontaneously, without any fixed hours or times in a day) for 10 days (from day 3 to day 13 post hatching). Each chick were weighed before the battery of feeding began each day from Day 1 to Day 10.Chapter IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 1. 1. The Experimental Group. Mass (g) of chicks fed with commercial chick starter feeds with jackfruit, malunggay and monggo beans flour mixture supplement Chick| Mass in grams (g)| | Before Treatment(Day 1)| After Treatment(Day 10)| Deviation (D)| D2| 1| 84| 97| 13| 169| 2| 84| 97| 13| 169| 3| 84| 96| 12| 144| 4| 84| 98| 14| 196| 5| 84| 96| 12| 144| 6| 84| 97| 13| 169| 7| 84| 97. 5| 13. 5| 182. 25| 8| 84| 96| 12| 144| 9| 84| 97| 13| 169| 10| 84| 98| 14| 196| 11| 84| 97| 13| 169| 12| 84| 97. 5| 13. 5| 182. 25| 13| 84| 97| 13| 169| 4| 84| 98| 14| 196| 15| 84| 97. 8| 13. 8| 190. 44| ?D= 196. 8| ? D2= 2588. 94| Table 1. 2. The Control Group. Mass (g) of chicks fed with commercial chick starter feeds without supplements Chick| Mass in grams (g)| | Before Treatment(Day 1)| After Treatment(Day 10)| Deviation (D)| D2| 1| 84| 92| 8| 64| 2| 84| 92| 8| 64| 3| 84| 93. 5| 9. 5| 90. 25| 4| 84| 92. 5| 8. 5| 72. 25| 5| 84| 93| 9| 81| 6| 84| 93| 9| 81| 7| 84| 93| 9| 81| 8| 84| 92. 5| 8. 5| 72. 25| 9| 84| 93| 9| 81| 10| 84| 93| 9| 81| 11| 84| 93. 2| 9. 2| 84. 64| 12| 84| 92. 5| 8. 5| 72. 25| 13| 84| 93| 9| 81| 4| 84| 94| 10| 100| 15| 84| 93| 9| 81| ?D= 133. 2| ? D2= 1186. 64| Table 1. 3. T-test for two independent samples TREATMENT| | | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| 15| Experimental Group| 13| 13| 12| 14| 12| 13| 13. 5| 12| 13| 14| 13| 13. 5| 13| 14| 13. 8| Control Group| 8| 8| 9. 5| 8. 5| 9| 9| 9| 8. 5| 9| 9| 9. 2| 8. 5| 9| 10| 9| Table 1. 4. X1| X12| X2| X22| 13| 169| 8| 64| 13| 169| 8| 64| 12| 144| 9. 5| 96. 25| 14| 196| 8. 5| 72. 25| 12| 144| 9| 81| 13| 169| 9| 81| 13. 5| 182. 25| 9| 81| 12| 14 4| 8. 5| 72. 25| 13| 169| 9| 81| 14| 196| 9| 81| 13| 169| 9. 2| 84. 64| 3. 5| 182. 25| 8. 5| 72. 25| 13| 169| 9| 81| 14| 196| 10| 100| 13. 8| 190. 44| 9| 81| ?X1=196. 8| ? X12=2588. 94 | ? X2=133. 8| ? X22=1186. 64| The statistical tool used in the research study was the t-test. The null hypothesis (H0) is that there is no significant difference in weight of chicks fed with commercial chick feeds supplemented with flour mixture of jackfruit seed, dried malunggay leaves and monggo beans and the weight of chicks fed with commercial feeds only. The alternative hypothesis (Ha) is there is significant difference in weight of chicks fed with commercial hick feeds supplemented with flour mixture of jackfruit seed, dried malunggay leaves and monggo beans and the weight of chicks fed with commercial feeds only. The result from the statistical treatment is the calculated t is larger than the t critical so the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha)is accepted. It is found that the flour mixture of jackfruit seed, dried malunggay leaves and monggo beans is effective as a feed supplement to commercially manufactured chick starter feeds. Findings The following findings were drawn from the research. 1.That there is significant difference between the weights of the chicks of the experimental and control group before and after feeding. The chicks of the experimental group, that is, those fed with chicken starter feeds with the jackfruit, malunggay and monggo beans flour mixture were found to be heavier than those of the control group. 2. The alternative hypothesis is accepted that there is significant difference in weight of chicks fed with commercial chick feeds supplemented with flour mixture of jackfruit seed, dried malunggay leaves and monggo beans and the weight of chicks fed with commercial feeds only.Conclusion With the context of the findings of this study, the researchers conclude that the jackfruit seed flour mixed with dried malunggay l eaves and monggo beans is an effective chicken feed supplement. Recommendation Based on the findings and conclusions, it is recommended that the future researchers should add new ideas that would enhance the effectiveness of the product. References/ Bibliography Internet References http://www. malunggay. com/description. htm http://www. philippineherbalmedicine. org/malunggay. htm http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/mungbean http://en. ikipedia. org/wiki/jackfruitflour http://hubpages. com/hub/Health-Benefits-of-Malunggay-Leaves http://www. dummies. com/how-to/content/how-to-buy-healthy-chicks-for-raising-chickens. html http://professorchicken. webs. com/timelineofachicken. htm http://professorchicken. webs. com/feeding. htm http://www. bar. gov. ph/agfishtech/livestock/chickenproduction. asp#intro http://journals. cambridge. org/action/displayAbstract? fromPage=online&aid=4822704 http://www. cabi. org/animalscience/Uploads/File/AnimalScience/additionalFiles/WPSAStrasbourgAug2007/109. pd fBibliography Ahmed, K. , M. Malek, K. Jahan and K. Salamatullah 1986. Nutritive value of Food Stuff 3rd edn Institute of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh,pp: 16-17. Burkill, H. M. , 1997. The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa. Vol. 4, 2ndEdn. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp: 160-161. Hossain, M. K. , M. AzizurRahman, A. K. M. MatiorRahman and A. JabbarMian, 1990. Some low molecular weight compounds isolated and characterized from jackfruit ( Artocarpusheterophyllus). J. Bang. Acad. Sci. , 14: 49-56. M. O. Smith and R. G. Teeter (1993).Effects of feed intake and environmental temperature on chick growth and development. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 121, pp 421-425 Rahman, A. K. M. M. ,E. Huq, A. J. Mian and A. Chesson, 1995. Microscopic and chemical changes occurring during the ripening of two forms of jackfruit (Artocarpusheterophyllus L). Food Chem. , 65: 91-97. Selvaraj, Y. and D. K. Pal,1989. Biochemical changes during ripening of jackfruit (Artocarpusheterophyllus L). J. Food Sci. Tec. , 26:304-307. Appendices Jackfruit Seeds Malunggay Leaves Monggo Seeds E X P E R I M E N T A L C O N T R O L The ExperimentControl Setup Chick| Mass of the chicks in grams (g)| | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 1| 84| 86| 86. 5| 87| 87. 5| 88| 88. 5| 89| 90| 92| 2| 84| 85| 85. 5| 86| 86. 5| 87| 88| 89. 5| 90| 92| 3| 84| 85| 86| 86. 5| 87| 87. 5| 88| 89| 91| 93. 5| 4| 84| 85| 85. 8| 86. 3| 87. 5| 88| 88. 5| 89. 3| 90| 92. 5| 5| 84| 85| 85. 8| 86| 87| 88| 89| 90| 91| 93| 6| 84| 85| 85| 86| 87. 5| 88. 5| 89| 90. 3| 91| 93| 7| 84| 86| 86. 5| 87| 87. 5| 88| 89| 90| 91| 93| 8| 84| 85. 5| 86| 86. 5| 87| 88| 88. 5| 89. 8| 90. 5| 92. 5| 9| 84| 84. 5| 85. 5| 86| 87| 88. 3| 89| 90| 91| 93| 10| 84| 85| 86| 86. | 87| 87. 5| 88| 89. 5| 90. 3| 93| 11| 84| 85| 86| 86. 5| 87. 5| 88| 89| 90| 91| 93. 5| 12| 84| 86| 85| 87| 87. 3| 88| 89| 90. 5| 91| 92. 5| 13| 84| 86| 86| 86| 87. 5| 88. 3| 89| 90| 91. 3| 93| 14| 84| 85| 85. 5| 85. 5| 86| 87| 89| 90| 91. 5| 94| 15| 84| 85. 5| 86| 86| 86. 5| 87| 88| 89. 3| 90| 93| Experimental Setup Chick| Mass of the chicks in grams (g)| | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 1| 84| 86| 88| 89| 90. 1| 91| 93| 93. 8| 94. 5| 96. 5| 2| 84| 86| 87| 88| 89. 5| 90. 5| 92| 92. 5| 93| 97| 3| 84| 86| 87| 88| 89| 90| 91| 92| 93| 96| 4| 84| 86| 87. 5| 89| 90| 91. 5| 92. | 93| 95| 97. 5| 5| 84| 86| 88| 90| 92| 92| 93| 93. 5| 94| 96| 6| 84| 86. 5| 87. 5| 88. 5| 89| 90| 91| 92| 94. 5| 96. 5| 7| 84| 86| 88| 89| 90| 91| 92| 93| 95| 97. 5| 8| 84| 87| 88| 88. 8| 90. 5| 91| 92| 93| 95| 96| 9| 84| 86| 86. 5| 88| 90| 91. 5| 93| 94| 96| 97. 5| 10| 84| 85| 86| 87. 5| 89| 90| 91. 5| 92| 95| 96| 11| 84| 87| 88| 89| 90| 91| 90| 93| 94. 5| 97| 12| 84| 86. 5| 87| 88| 89. 5| 90| 91| 92. 5| 94| 97. 5| 13| 84| 86| 87| 88. 5| 89. 5| 90. 5| 90. 5| 92| 95| 97| 14| 84| 86| 86. 8| 88| 90| 90| 90| 92| 94| 96| 15| 84| 86| 88| 89| 90| 91| 91| 93| 94. 5| 97. 8| Control GroupChick| Mass in grams (g)| | Before Treatment| After Treatment| Deviation ( D)| D2| 1| 84| 92| 8| 64| 2| 84| 92| 8| 64| 3| 84| 93. 5| 9. 5| 90. 25| 4| 84| 92. 5| 8. 5| 72. 25| 5| 84| 93| 9| 81| 6| 84| 93| 9| 81| 7| 84| 93| 9| 81| 8| 84| 92. 5| 8. 5| 72. 25| 9| 84| 93| 9| 81| 10| 84| 93| 9| 81| 11| 84| 93. 2| 9. 2| 84. 64| 12| 84| 92. 5| 8. 5| 72. 25| 13| 84| 93| 9| 81| 14| 84| 94| 10| 100| 15| 84| 93| 9| 81| ?D= 133. 2| ? D2= 1186. 64| Experimental Group Chick| Mass in grams (g)| | Before Treatment| After Treatment| Deviation (D)| D2| 1| 84| 97| 13| 169| 2| 84| 97| 13| 169| | 84| 96| 12| 144| 4| 84| 98| 14| 196| 5| 84| 96| 12| 144| 6| 84| 97| 13| 169| 7| 84| 97. 5| 13. 5| 182. 25| 8| 84| 96| 12| 144| 9| 84| 97| 13| 169| 10| 84| 98| 14| 196| 11| 84| 97| 13| 169| 12| 84| 97. 5| 13. 5| 182. 25| 13| 84| 97| 13| 169| 14| 84| 98| 14| 196| 15| 84| 97. 8| 13. 8| 190. 44| ?D= 196. 8| ? D2= 2588. 94| Computation H0 = There is no significant difference in weight of chicks fed with commercial chick feeds supplemented with flour mixture of jackfruit seed, dried malungga y leaves and monggo beans and the weight of chicks fed with commercial feeds only.Ha = There is significant difference in weight of chicks fed with commercial chick feeds supplemented with flour mixture of jackfruit seed, dried malunggay leaves and monggo beans and the weight of chicks fed with commercial feeds onlyThere is significant difference between the mass of chicks before and after feeding of the prepared flour mixture. Control group a. ?d2 = ? d2 ââ¬â (? D)2N = 1186. 64 ââ¬â (133. 2)215 = 1186. 64 ââ¬â (17742. 24)15 = 1186. 64 ââ¬â 1182. 816 = 3. 824 b. SD = ? d2N( N-1) = 3. 82415(14) = 3. 284210 = 0. 0182095 SD = 0. 1349 c. D = ? DN = 133. 215 = 8. 88 d. t = DSD = 8. 880. 349 = 65. 8265 df = 5 ? 0. 05 t critical = t0. 05 = 2. 571 Since the computed/calculated t is larger than the t critical (tcalculated > tcritical), reject H0 and accept Ha. Decision: There is significant difference between the mass of chicks before and after feeding of the commercial start er chicks feeds supplemented with the prepared flour mixture Experimental group a. ?d2 = ? d2 ââ¬â (? D)2N =2588. 94 ââ¬â (196. 8)215 =2588. 94 ââ¬â 38730. 2415 =2588. 94 ââ¬â 2582. 016 = 6. 924 b. SD = ? d2N( N-1) = 6. 92415(14) = 6. 924210 = 0. 0329714 SD = 0. 1816 c. D = ? DN = 196. 815 = 13. 12 d. t = DSD = 13. 20. 1816 = 72. 2467 df = 5 ? 0. 05 t critical = t0. 05 = 2. 571 Since the computed/calculated t is larger than the t critical (tcalculated > tcritical), reject H0 and accept Ha. Decision: There is significant difference between the mass of chicks before and after feeding of commercial chicken starter feeds supplemented with the prepared flour mixture. T-test for two independent samples TREATMENT| | | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| 15| Prepared flour mixture| 13| 13| 12| 14| 12| 13| 13. 5| 12| 13| 14| 13| 13. 5| 13| 14| 13. 8| Chicken feeds| 8| 8| 9. 5| 8. 5| 9| 9| 9| 8. | 9| 9| 9. 2| 8. 5| 9| 10| 9| X1| X12| X2| X22| 13| 169| 8| 64| 13| 169 | 8| 64| 12| 144| 9. 5| 96. 25| 14| 196| 8. 5| 72. 25| 12| 144| 9| 81| 13| 169| 9| 81| 13. 5| 182. 25| 9| 81| 12| 144| 8. 5| 72. 25| 13| 169| 9| 81| 14| 196| 9| 81| 13| 169| 9. 2| 84. 64| 13. 5| 182. 25| 8. 5| 72. 25| 13| 169| 9| 81| 14| 196| 10| 100| 13. 8| 190. 44| 9| 81| ?X1=196. 8| ? X12=2588. 94 | ? X2=133. 8| ? X22=1186. 64| x1 = ? X1N1 = 196. 815 = 13. 12 x2 = ? X2N2 = 133. 815 = 8. 92 Sx1-x2 = ? X12- ? X1? N1 + ? X22- ? X2? N2 N1+N2-21N1+1N2 =2588. 94- 196. 8? 15+ 1186. 64- 133. 8? 15 15+15-2115+115 =2588. 94- 38730. 415+ 1186. 64- 17902. 4415 15+15-2115+115 =2588. 94-2582. 016+1186. 64-1193. 496 15+15-2115+115 =6. 924+-6. 85628115+115 =0. 06828115+115 =0. 002429+215 =0. 002429+0. 1333 = 0. 135729 = 0. 3684 Since: SC=x? -x? Sx1-x2 =13. 12-8. 920. 3684 =4. 20. 3684 = 11. 4007 tcritical = 2. 571 tcalculated = 11. 4007 Since the computed/calculated t is larger than the t critical (tcalculated > tcritical), reject H0 and accept Ha. Decision: There is significant difference betwe en the mass of chicks before and after feeding of the commercial chick starter feeds supplemented with the prepasred flour mixture.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Ecological Footprint Of Uganda Is A Country Is East Africa
ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT Ecological footprint is the effect of human activities which is measure in terms of biologically productive land and water which is required to produce the goods produced the goods consumed and assimilate the wastes that are generated, it is essentially the amount of the environment which is necessary to produce the goods and services necessary to support a particular lifestyle. The indicator is an estimate of the amount of space on the earth that an individual uses in order to survive using the existing technology and resources on our planet. The Least Developed Country (LDC) I picked out is Uganda. Uganda is a country is East Africa, it comes under a category of one of the least developed countries because it has a per capita income of under US170$, it is one the poorest countries in the world. The population in Uganda is broadly poor, it is generally difficult for Ugandan families to spend a dollar and it is difficult to take care of their essential needs. 80% of the Ugandans work in agriculture, their main crops cultivated are cotton, corn, tea and coffee. Most of the production in the country is by farmerââ¬â¢s cooperatives, as the environment provides good grazing land for cattle, sheep and goats. Uganda escaped a widespread famine in the late 1970ââ¬â¢s and 1980ââ¬â¢s because many people including the woman residents resorted to the subsistence cultivation. The life expectancy for women is 58 years while in the US it is 81 years of age- that is a 23 yearShow MoreRelatedImpacts of Tourism Development5737 Words à |à 23 Pagesmust be established between these three dimensions to guarantee its long-term sustainability. Thus, sustainable tourism should make optimal use of environmental resources that constitute a key element in tourism development, maintaining essential ecological processes and helping to conserve natural heritage and biodiversity; respect the socio-cultural authenticity of host communities, conserve their built and living cultur al heritage and traditional values, and contribute to inter-cultural understandingRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words à |à 658 PagesSOUND with no links to the local drugs gangs. He even hired a psychoanalyst to cope with the gangland threats that followed his drugs crack-down: If they say ââ¬Ëweââ¬â¢re going to kill youââ¬â¢, you know what youââ¬â¢re up against. But the threats [from Londonââ¬â¢s East End drugs gangs] are much more sinister. The word is fed back that if the business is cut off, they will follow you home, go for your family, stab you or murder you.2 But Palumbo persisted in making his club a safer, cleaner environment. During
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Crowdfunding Project Management - 7175 Words
Crowdfunding | Duygu Korhan ÃÅ"lkà ¼men ââ¬â Soner Beyhan | | Crowdfunding | | Crowdfunding | Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1 Definition of keywords 2 1.1.1. Crowdsourcing 2 1.1.2. Crowdfunding 2 Factors Influencing crowdfunding 2 Scope of Paper 2 2. Crowdfunding Business Models and Investor Drivers 4 Crowdfunding Business Models * 2.2. New Regulation 6 * 2.3. Investor Drivers 5 3. Global Intermediaries amp; Example Projects 4 * 3.1. Kickstarter 5 * 3.2. IndieGoGo 5 * 3.3. Other Platforms 5 4. Turkish Intermediaries amp; Example Projects 4 *â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦If not, getting support from equity investors is a good idea. * Risk, moral hazard and information asymmetry: The riskiness of the project and the risk-taking personality of the entrepreneur are important determinants. Investors may decide to see the progress of the project and invest accordingly in time. Some investors may need more information related to the project from the entrepreneurs before they make their decision. This may lead to idea stealing. * Organizational form: The form of the organization is an important factor influencing crowdfunding. For instance, non-profit organizations are found to be achieving their targets more successfully when compared to for-profit organizations as they focus more on quality rather than profit-making. * Control preferences: It is better to have full control of your own venture. Thus, crowdfunding is a suitable option. * Amounts required by entrepreneurs: You need a specific amount of money to start your business. Thus, you seek for investors. * Legal issues regardingShow MoreRelatedProject Management Office ( Pmo )1410 Words à |à 6 Pages Project Management Office (PMO) According to Project Management Institute (PMI 2008), a PMO is an organizational body or entity assigned various responsibilities related to the centralized and coordinated management of those projects under its domain. The role of the project management office (PMO) has increased nowadays, as many organizations are implementing it. According to PMI (PMI 2011), organizations with a PMO report more projects coming in on time, on budget and meeting intended goals toRead MoreI Volunteer Full Time For A Non Profit Animal Rescue Group795 Words à |à 4 Pagesabandoned on the streets, abused and left to fend for its self. We provide medical treatment, rehabilitation, and find loving homes for each rescued animal. 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